Nicolae Pop, Developer in Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County, Romania
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Nicolae Pop

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack WordPress Developer

Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County, Romania
Toptal Member Since
October 26, 2016

Nicolae is a web developer and designer from Transylvania with 10+ years of hands-on experience in WordPress under his belt. He delivered reliable custom themes, plugins, and websites for clients worldwide; he has worked for over four years at an advertising agency and has served as a Theme Review team member. Nicolae follows industry standards to deliver fast-loading websites that convert visitors.


Freelance Work
Git, Adobe, jQuery, SCSS, MAMP, WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, Front-end...
Vitrina Advertising
Adobe Suite, Less, MAMP, WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, Front-end...
Board of European Students of Technology
PHP, WordPress, Adobe Creative Suite, WordPress Design, User Interface (UI)...




Preferred Environment

NGINX, Git, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Sublime Text 3, Homebrew, Adobe Suite, Affinity Designer, Figma, Sketch 4, Tailwind CSS

The most amazing...

...project I've worked on is an inspirational website, community, and online shop with more than 2 million active followers.

Work Experience

WordPress Developer and Designer

2014 - PRESENT
Freelance Work
  • Aided in the discovery and formulation of business values and goals.
  • Created wireframes and designed and developed websites using the latest technology standards.
  • Developed, launched, integrated, and maintained WordPress websites.
  • Added page speed and performance improvements according to standards.
  • Handled data migration and information architecture.
Technologies: Git, Adobe, jQuery, SCSS, MAMP, WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, Front-end, WordPress API, WordPress, CSS, PSD to WordPress, Mobile Development, WPBakery, Elementor, LearnDash, WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, HTML, Responsive, Responsive Web Design (RWD), PSD to HTML, Tailwind CSS, WordPress Design, Back-end, REST APIs, JavaScript, MySQL, XML, Agile Software Development, Divi, Jira, Continuous Delivery (CD), PageSpeed, Sass, Agile, WooCommerce API, Google Analytics, HTML5, CSS3, BuddyPress, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3), React, Python, Bootstrap, Laravel, Redis, Salesforce API, Salesforce, Docker, Media Queries, Front-end Development, API Integration, Gravity Forms, Continuous Integration (CI), Page Speed Optimization, Core Web Vitals

Web Designer and Developer

2011 - 2015
Vitrina Advertising
  • Designed websites for businesses, events, and campaigns.
  • Developed and launched WordPress and static websites.
  • Maintained and updated websites, improving speed and loading times according to industry standards.
Technologies: Adobe Suite, Less, MAMP, WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, Front-end, WordPress API, WordPress, CSS, PSD to WordPress, Mobile Development, WPBakery, WooCommerce, WordPress Design, User Interface (UI), Back-end, JavaScript, MySQL, jQuery, Sass, WooCommerce API, Google Analytics, HTML5, CSS3, BuddyPress, Bootstrap, Redis, Media Queries, Front-end Development, API Integration, Gravity Forms, SCSS

Public Relations

2008 - 2013
Board of European Students of Technology
  • Created a promotional mix of campaigns and required materials.
  • Developed, launched, and managed websites for various events.
  • Managed and worked with small design and development teams.
  • Directed the promotion team at a large international event.
Technologies: PHP, WordPress, Adobe Creative Suite, WordPress Design, User Interface (UI), jQuery, Google Analytics, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Media Queries, Front-end Development, Gravity Forms, SCSS

Development and Data Migration for Town News
The company serves an extensive network of media broadcasters and publications, providing them with the next-generation CMS built on WordPress. They are part of Lee Enterprises, the fourth largest newspaper group in the USA.

Tasks accomplished:
• Designed and developed a system for migrating data from various CMS systems to their custom WordPress product. It was used to import hundreds of thousands of articles along with media content and complex metadata.
• Created a custom plugin that provides means for displaying US election results based on the election date, state, and precinct, including integrating the results from the Associated Press and other sources.
• Developed a tool to provide visitors with means to request the export or removal of their personal data from the websites.

NotSalmon Website
Redesigned and developed a new website for the best-seller author Karen Salmansohn. The content is presented in a magazine blog that shows posts—hers and from various guest authors—and a collection of shareable inspirational quotes. On the website, Karen also offers merchandise such as digital and printed books, posters, clothes, and courses to her 1.5 million fans.

Rainsford Hunting Website

Developed and launched the first version of this hunting portal and blog that connects hunters directly with outfitters. The responsive version of the website has a custom blog layout, custom post types, and taxonomies to handle hunting trips, animals, locations, and user profiles and provides simple filtered browsing. Users can register an account and edit their profiles using forms. This project has grown into the actual hunter and outfitter portal it is today.

Wisemo Website
The custom WordPress website of the European Wisemo company presents remote control solutions with many different sections: learn more about the products, pricing, application areas, and frequently asked questions. I developed a custom page builder to allow publishers to reuse content blocks across different pages without the need for duplication.

Sawyer Manufacturing Website
Took a partially developed website redesign, finished the development, and successfully launched the website. The company uses the website to showcase its welding and pipeline equipment and to connect with distributors and customers. It has custom fields to provide an effective way of adding and editing product information and custom-made templates for different pages on the website, including a distributor portal.

Walsworth Yearbooks Website
Walsworth is one of the largest printing companies in the US and an innovative printer of scholastic yearbooks with more than 60 years of tradition. I developed custom templates to showcase yearbook collections, covers, and inspiration ideas, and I also created custom fields for editors to easily add and edit information about the yearbooks. There's also an advanced ordering form that helps people to get an advanced quote based on their printing needs and selected options.


CSS, HTML, PHP, XML, Sass, SCSS, C, JavaScript, Less, HTML5, CSS3, Python, C++, Ruby


WordPress API, jQuery, REST APIs, WooCommerce API, WordPress REST API, React, BuddyPress, Salesforce API


Responsive Web Design (RWD), Mobile Development, RESTful Development, Functional Programming, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Agile Software Development, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), REST, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Agile, Scrum, Responsive


WooCommerce, WordPress, Sensei, DigitalOcean, Adobe Suite, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Drupal, Joomla, Salesforce, Docker, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)


Media Queries, Databases, JSON, MySQL, Database Migration, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MariaDB, Database Caching, Redis


Elementor, PSD to HTML, PSD to WordPress, WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, Front-end, Easy Digital Downloads, Page Speed Optimization, Responsive Design, Front-end Development, User Interface (UI), API Integration, WordPress Design, Gravity Forms, Back-end, Organic SEO, Microdata, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), Facebook Instant Articles, Scaling, Caching, Migration, Data Migration, Content Management Systems (CMS), Team Management, Leadership, Google Tag Manager, Visual Composer, Core Web Vitals, Database Optimization, Team Leadership, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), APIs, VPS/VDS, Agile Sprints, Design, Print, Communication, Information Design


Divi, Tailwind CSS, Genesis Framework, Bootstrap, Laravel, Ruby on Rails (RoR)


PageSpeed, LearnDash, bbPress, Jira, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Coda 2, Git, Trello, Google Analytics, WPBakery, Coda, Sublime Text, NGINX, MAMP, Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe, Subversion (SVN), Adobe Illustrator, Sketch, Sketch 4, Facebook Pixel, Vagrant, Sublime Text 3, Homebrew, Affinity Designer, Figma

Industry Expertise

Project Management

2004 - 2008

Junior Analyst Programmer Certificate in Computer Engineering and Mathematics

Gheorghe Sincai National College - Baia Mare, Romania

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