Srdjan Obucina, Developer in Belgrade, Serbia
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Srdjan Obucina

Verified Expert  in Engineering

C++ and Blockchain Developer

Belgrade, Serbia
Toptal Member Since
August 5, 2019

Srdjan是一名软件工程师,在谷歌(Google)等公司拥有十多年的国际经验, Cisco, Marvell, and Bouygues Telecom. 他在个人贡献、团队成员和团队领导方面都表现出色. He possesses knowledge in an array of technologies, tools, design patterns, architectures, 算法与强大的成功项目组合需要广泛而深入的技术专长和敏锐.


Peerplays Blockchain Standards Association (via Toptal)
面向对象编程(OOP),面向对象设计(OOD), Boost, Linux...
Bet Innovation
RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems
TCP/IP, Ubuntu, Linux, Git, GCC, LIVE555, FFmpeg, Multithreading...




Preferred Environment

Git, Visual Studio, Windows, GCC, NetBeans, Linux

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Blockchain Core Developer

2019 - 2020
Peerplays Blockchain Standards Association (via Toptal)
  • 开发了一个比特币侧链处理程序,用于处理Peerplays区块链网络上的比特币交易, 实现双向挂钩——比特币和Peerplays网络之间的双向资产转移.
  • 开发基于区块链的随机数生成器和访问它的API. RNG获得了国际游戏实验室(GLI®)的认证,GLI®是为监管机构提供测试和认证服务的主要游戏行业提供商, suppliers, and operators.
  • Implemented NFT (non-fungible token) on Peerplays blockchain network, based on the Ethereum ERC721 standard.
  • 参与使用Hyperledger Caliper对Peerplay的区块链网络进行基准测试.
Technologies: 面向对象编程(OOP),面向对象设计(OOD), Boost, Linux, JavaScript, Hyperledger Caliper, Graphene, GitLab CI/CD, GitLab, GitHub, GCC, Docker, CMake, C++, Bitcoin, GDB

Software Engineer, Freelance

2014 - 2019
Bet Innovation
  • 设计和开发电子轮盘赌软件,在三个国家获得认证和部署.
  • Designed and developed a system for tracking money flow, game history, 以及用于监测三个国家200多个轮盘赌玩家席位的诊断报告.
  • 设计并开发了一个收集和报告玩家支付信息给政府税务办公室的系统, in accordance with local laws.
  • 实现了用于游戏终端的十多种设备的通信协议, some of them custom-designed.
  • Implemented a remote administration system, used for software updates, operating system configuration, and remote support for service personnel.
Technologies: TCP/IP,面向对象编程(OOP),面向对象设计(OOD), Relational Database Design, OpenVPN, SQL DDL, SQL, Bash Script, GCC, Amazon Route 53, Amazon EC2, Ubuntu, wxWidgets, SDL, PostgreSQL, C++, C, Data Engineering, GDB

System Software Engineer

2011 - 2016
RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems
  • 为国外合作伙伴使用Marvell soc平台提供软件开发服务和现场支持, focused on system programming for Android, audio/video streaming (digital TV, IPTV, audio/video playback and encoding/decoding, etc.).
  • 改进了Android多媒体框架,支持更多的音频和视频格式, used by multiple set-top boxes of different manufacturers.
  • Implemented, from scratch, 数百万用户在机顶盒和手机中使用HLS视频流库,将喜爱的多媒体内容带到屏幕上.
  • 将Marvell Wi-Fi显示堆栈从x86移植到基于arm的Marvell Berlin SoC平台,以获得支持Wi-Fi显示的原型机顶盒.
  • Passed Google TV system integrator training, 并成为全球仅有的16家获得认证的谷歌电视系统集成商之一.
  • Improved LLVM compiler support for MIPS integrated assembler.
  • Improved Chromium PNaCl fast code generator, 与现有的基于LLVM的代码生成器相比,代码生成速度提高了50%.
Technologies: TCP/IP, Ubuntu, Linux, Git, GCC, LIVE555, FFmpeg, Multithreading, Video Streaming, Audio Streaming, MIPS, LLVM, C++, C, HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), Android NDK, Google TV, Android TV, Android, GDB

Software Engineer

2010 - 2011
Advanced Brain Monitoring
  • Developed software solutions for wireless EEG headsets.
  • 实现了一个通信协议库,用于从所有现有无线设备获取数据.
  • 实现了桌面应用程序的全脑电图耳机诊断和配置, with signal graphing and accelerometer test and calibration.
  • 将检测快速眼动睡眠阶段和去除脑电信号噪声的MATLAB代码移植到c++代码中.
  • 开发了用于存储EEG数据的工业标准EDF格式的读写库, to increase interoperability with other EEG software solutions.
Technologies: Standard Template Library (STL), Multithreading, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Object-oriented Design (OOD), RS-232, Win32, Windows, Visual Studio, Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), C++, C, Bluetooth

Software Engineer

2004 - 2009
AP group
  • 开发用于供应链管理和客户发票的多用户客户端-服务器应用程序.
  • Developed advanced data filtering and reporting capabilities, for creating more than 20 documents used in a process.
  • Developed an algorithm for estimating future sales, based on previous sales data and other input parameters.
  • Minimized returns of unsold goods bellow 10% allowed return limit.
  • Implemented application update system and database redundancy, 允许系统运行10年以上而不发生重大中断.
Technologies: Reporting, Desktop App Design, Windows, Relational Database Design, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Object-oriented Design (OOD), SQL DDL, SQL, Firebird, Delphi, C++

Software Engineer, Freelance

2006 - 2008
  • 为20多个赌场游戏设计和开发应用程序和数学模型.
  • 为游戏设备中使用的定制电子设备设计和开发通信协议.
  • 准备并通过了两个欧盟国家和三个非欧盟国家的软件认证程序.
  • 培训和监督开发团队,包括四名现场开发人员和三名远程开发人员.
  • 凭借单座电子轮盘赌赢得2006年华沙SUREXPO技术创新奖.
Technologies: Relational Database Design, SQL DDL, SQL, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Object-oriented Design (OOD), Windows, Firebird, DirectX, DirectShow, Delphi, C++

The Peerplays Blockchain
Peerplays is the first decentralized global betting platform, disrupting the global gaming industry with a new paradigm of fairness, transparency, speed, and security. Peerplays removes the need for third-party betting operators, 使用石墨烯技术和委托权益证明(DPoS)提供最快的证明, most decentralized blockchain consensus model available today.

Smart Roulette

Bet创新的智能轮盘赌是一个全自动的电子轮盘赌, with up to eight-player seats. Each player seat features touch panel, bill and coin validators, ticket printer, iButton readers, 自给自足的安全系统,以保护游戏的完整性和监控系统兼容的共同赌博行业标准. Smart Roulettes are deployed in three countries so far, and its software is fully certified in accordance with local laws.

DeepToken Smart Contract
DeepToken is Ethereum based token, built for Mindark's flagship MMORPG game Entropia Universe, 以现有最大的虚拟经济而闻名,价值4亿美元. Token intended usage is for in-app purchases and future IP exchange.

FFmpeg for Android
FFmpeg for Android是一组Android makefiles,可以使用Android NDK在Android源代码树下配置和构建FFmpeg库. Makefiles是精心制作的,以匹配系统集成商的工作流程与Android源代码.

Subzero - Fast Code Generator for PNaCl Bitcode
Subzero is a fast native code generator for PNaCl bitcode, 旨在作为现有的基于LLVM的代码生成器的更轻、更快的替代品.

MUP RS API for Delphi
Delphi的MUP RS API是塞尔维亚共和国内政部发布的API的Object Pascal端口, 供阅览电子个人身份证及电子车辆登记证明书.
2005 - 2010

Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Computer Engineering

Faculty of Computer Science, Union University - Belgrade, Serbia


FFmpeg, SDL, wxWidgets, Standard Template Library (STL), Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library, DirectShow, DirectX, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)


GCC、Git、GitHub、OpenVPN、Visual Studio、GDB、CMake、GitLab、GitLab CI/CD、Graphene、Android NDK


C, C++, SQL, SQL DDL, Delphi, MIPS, JavaScript, Bash Script, C#


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Object-oriented Design (OOD)


Linux, Android TV, Google TV, Ubuntu, Win32, Amazon EC2, NetBeans, Windows, Android, Docker


PostgreSQL, Firebird


Boost, LIVE555


HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), Relational Database Design, Amazon Route 53, RS-232, Multithreading, Audio Streaming, Video Streaming, Data Engineering, Bitcoin, Hyperledger Caliper, LLVM, Bluetooth, Desktop App Design, Reporting, TCP/IP

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